Over the past few months, bank jugging has been making headlines in Texas news. As bank jugging crimes are rising, Texas law enforcement and The State of Texas Department of Banking have issued public warnings.
What is Bank Jugging?
Bank jugging is a criminal act where someone steals money from an individual who has recently withdrawn cash from a bank or ATM/ITM.
The criminal typically watches a customer withdraw cash from a bank or ATM/ITM, follows the victim to a different location, and then robs them of their cash.
How to Protect Yourself?
Be Alert:
When you withdraw money from a bank or ATM/ITM, it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings and the people around you. Avoid using ATM/ITM machines that are not working properly. When you enter and leave the bank or ATM/ITM, note those around you.
Hide Your Cash:
Once you withdraw cash, keep it in your wallet or purse, and do not count it in public or around others. Avoid carrying exposed bank bags or coin boxes when leaving a bank. Do not carry large amounts of cash with you, and never leave it in your car.
Be Discreet:
Once you have made a cash withdrawal, properly dispose of your receipt. Always shield yourself when using the keypad on an ATM/ITM.
Be Unpredictable:
Try not to stick to the same schedule and instead visit your bank or ATM/ITM at different times of the day. If multiple banking centers and ATM/ITM locations are available, using different ones can also help mix things up.
Stay Aware:
Be aware of your surroundings and stay vigilant. If you notice any suspicious activity in the bank, inform bank personnel right away. If you find yourself in a situation where you are being targeted while using an ATM/ITM, seek safety in a public area immediately and call 911.
Extra Safety Tips:
- Take note of anyone suspiciously hanging around in the lobby or parking lot who does not appear to be occupied.
- Avoid being on your phone or wearing earbuds in the banking center.
- Lock your car doors when you get into your vehicle.
- Be aware of vehicles that might follow you from the parking lot.
If you fear someone is threatening or targeting you, call 911 immediately.
For more safety tips and how to protect yourself from fraud, please visit our website, Security Archives – Texas Regional Bank.